Unsure Where to Start?

At Hopewell Center, we have countless community support services and opportunities available, but it’s no secret that access is impossible without information.

If you don’t know what kind of support you need, or you can’t quite find what you’re looking for, don’t worry.

We are here to help you through every step of the journey, including this very first one.
First things first, give us a call.
It all begins with a conversation.

If you’re interested in learning more about a particular service, or you want help beginning the application process, reach out to us with the number listed below. We would love to talk!


Birth-3 years

Children Services

Apply online through First Steps.

Each program has unique eligibility criteria:

  • Homestart Early Learning (birth to 36 months of age)
    Child must demonstrate a delay or be considered "at risk" as defined in the Division of Disability and Rehabilitation Service's First Steps website.
18+ Years

Adult Services

Apply online through Bureau of Developmental Disability Services.

Each program has unique eligibility criteria:

  • Community Employment (18+ years)
    Eligible for third party funding (Office of Vocational Rehabilitation) or agree to self pay, support needs consistent with community employment.
  • Day Services (18+ years)
    Medicaid or Medicaid Waiver eligibility.
  • Group Home (18+ years)
    Diagnosed as developmentally disabled with functioning levels similar to other residents, eligible for work training and/or community employment, Medicaid eligibility, TB & Hep B screen.
  • Supported Living (18+ years)
    Diagnosed as developmentally disabled, approved plan of care to receive Medicaid Waiver services, approved level of support that meets level of need, and eligible for work training and/or community employment.

Looking for more information?

We're here to help.

5325 Main Street, Anderson, IN 46013
(765) 642-0201

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